Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Progress toward a relaxing summer

I finished a major paper for one of my summer classes today. The formatting was vexing, but it is FINISHED and turned in and I'm now done with that class! Hooray!!

Next, I need to start studying for CLEP tests, researching test locations & dates/times, and working on homework for a class I'm taking in August.

I want this summer to be a relaxing break. However, since I'm only working part-time, I know I need to be focusing and working on projects too, not just taking it easy. I have a list of things I want to finish before the school year resumes and the everydayness and rigor of classes to attend and a more scheduled.. schedule resumes.

We've been working on the spare room/guest room, getting things more organized, getting it ready to actually host company, and getting a specific decor style established.
I'm loving it! So bright and happy and cheery :D
It doubles as my craft room :) Also, a lady from church was super sweet and gave me a sewing machine she wasn't using. I need to get sewing machine needles before I can use it but I am so VERY glad to have it available! I've missed sewing.
My first project is either some garment repair OR hemming the curtains I'm making to go around a storage shelf in the corner of the storage shelf in the spare room.

Also on the Projects To Accomplish list is my desk. It is generally an area of paper-chaos sprinkled with pens and pencils. There needs to be some sense of order and homes for things and organization overall. I'm still figuring out what that should look like in this new-to-me desk.

It is hard to keep my motivation up. Once I finish a big project, it seems so right to just enjoy a break for homework. I can't let myself do that, though - otherwise I'm going to have nonstop homework looming over me until winter break! I want to get ahead and enjoy a little time to just BE and hang out with people and do fun reading :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Refreshed motivation

I am in school, studying to be a teacher "when I grow up."
There are days that it seems like I will never be done working toward that degree. There are days when I feel like I will never quit reading textbooks, completing assignments, working on projects, or writing papers. Between school and homework and a part-time job, sometimes I lose sight of what it is that I am working toward. When I only occasionally work with kids - actually applying anything I'm learning in class!- I forget how much I truly love teaching.

This week, I'm helping out with Vacation Bible School at church. I was going to be helping with crafts, which sounded fun to me. But then, last week, my cousin asked me if I could teach the group she and her husband would be leading since they would be moving into their new house on the first day of VBS! I was quick to assure her I'd be happy to. I looked over the lessons a little, glanced at the visuals, but it didn't really hit until Sunday night that I had an opportunity to put all of my teaching experience- PLUS the new things I learned this past school year about differentiated instruction- into practice!
At that moment? SO PSYCHED! :D
I've been looking for more fun, tactile ways to teach the lessons, thinking up activities to reinforce the lessons, looking for fun ways to learn the memory verses, and attention-grabbing reviews of previous lessons.
So. Much. Fun.

These brainstorms have led to late-night trips to Wal*Mart, much to my hubby's chagrin.Tonight's trip, I was searching for beach balls (for a memory verse activity), something to use as a treasure chest (for a review of the past days' lessons), and a sheep (same review). This afternoon, I was searching for whale sounds & got them loaded onto my iPod. Tonight, I created a spiffy treasure chest out of a Rubbermaid container, aluminum foil, a black crayon, black/brown/gray markers, and a little tape.

All of those "oh my gosh, is it even worth it to be working toward this degree because I can't even remember WHY it seemed like such a good thing" moments are being brushed aside now that I'm actually using my teaching skills. I love my group of 1st and 2nd graders! I love the challenge of keeping their interest, presenting the material in a compelling & understandable way, and encouraging the sort of behavior I want to see.

Plus, I'm working with great people - my cousin Julie, her husband, and MY husband! The 4 of us make a great team :)

Friday, June 11, 2010


I like my blog's new look :)

As spring turns to summer, we're figuring out new routines. Work continues, I'm whittling away at homework, and we're gradually getting more settled into our apartment. My garden is flourishing. Here and there, I'm snatching time to read again. I've missed it.. I'm amazed at how easily busyness with school and work snatches my reading time. I'm determined to keep making an effort to read.

Browsing the new books shelf at the library, I picked up a baby names book. I always have enjoyed looking through those sort of books to see what names the editor decided to include. This time, I asked my husband what he thought of different names as I browsed through. It was interesting to hear which names have positive or negative connotations simply because of people we've known! Also fun- seeing which names we both like a lot, which ones I love that he's not thrilled about, and which ones he loves that I'm not a fan of. Taste in names is such a subjective thing!

The spare room in our apartment (or guest room, I guess?) is getting so much more "guest-room"-ish! It had been "random stuff storage room" for a while, just because of how busy we were, but we've tackled the Stuff and have been creating homes for the things that had been piling up. I love how bright and cheery it's looking now, and how much more organized it is as well.

My to-do list is calling - homework and otherness are awaiting me..