Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easing into the final stetch

I spent the past few days snatching practice time, playing through accompaniment, spending a little more time on "rough patches," and then heading off to a high school to practice with vocal soloists. Friday night, I checked to be sure my ballots matched with the list of students I'd be playing for, and finally yesterday, I headed off to another high school and spent the day with a bunch of musically talented kids, music directors, judges, and contest volunteers (who made sure everything ran smoothly at warm-up and performance centers).

For 8 hours, I followed my schedule, meeting students at warm-up rooms, encouraging them to sing well, helping them overcome nerves and go in confidently, handing off judges' copy and ballots to the center volunteer, accompanying students, following not-according-to-the-music deviations, congratulating or encouraging once we got to the hallway, picking up music from the center once the judge was finished, checking my schedule and making sure I had ballot and judges' copy and my music and was at the right center for the next student.

I visited the teacher's lounge when I had more time between solos, chatting with directors, reading my book, always keeping an eye on the time.
It was a splendid day. It was the sort of day that makes me wish I was more involved musically all the time. ♥

Today, I'm focused on finishing up getting everything ready for the lesson I'll be teaching during a class tomorrow. The outline is done. The details aren't quite ready yet. Since my internet at home is uber filtered, I'll have to go somewhere with Real Internet to find the pictures I need (since I can't do image searches >.< I know, right?) and then somewhere to get some things printed. Otherwise, I suppose I could make it to the library super early before my 7AM class tomorrow! Perish the thought...

I have a few tests this week and am going to get a couple other projects wrapped up, but it really is feeling like the Stress and Busy are dwindling. I cannot tell you how glad that makes my heart.

In other news, I have a couple links to share:
This first is from a funny blog I just discovered called "Stuff Christians Like" (derived from the tongue in cheek "Stuff White People Like" blog). This post deals with how we perceive how God sees us. Today was the sort of day when I really needed to read it. I get so caught up in feeling like I need to perform- Like I always must do the right thing and be the best and never mess up, and then (and only then) will God be pleased with me. That just isn't true- about me, or you either.

This post from a friend of mine is similar in thought: Husbands reflecting Christ. I like it when I read things that remind me of myself :)

And finally, we have the 2010 Marriage Challenge. I only just began reading through it, but the posts so far are really good. Plus, I think the posts come across as more couple friendly than naggy-wife-who-wants-the-husband-to-Work-On-The-Relationship.

And now I'm off to discover where in the world I'll be able to make some color copies on a Sunday afternoon and not spend a ton of money on yet another school assignment!

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