Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I think I've become nocturnal

I had just finally gotten my body to be a little more accepting of early morning hours (which is good, because my first class of the day is at 7AM!) However, lots of homework has been keeping me up later and later, and then last night I pulled an all-nighter just so I'd be able to finish assignments due today. I spent more hours than I'd planned to napping this afternoon, and now here it is, after midnight, and I'm alert and wanting to work on projects, when I should be in bed.

We've been getting more settled in since the move - More pictures and decor are up, most things are unpacked, and I would say we're pretty well "moved in." Some areas are still in need of tweaking, and some areas (like my desk!) are in coping mode until school is a little less hectic.

Finding a budgeting method that works for both of us and is simple to track is something we've been working on since we got married in December. Finding a way to communicate easily about where we are within a month (financially) is harder than I thought it would be! It's one thing to be keeping track of money spent & bills paid individually - merging that is a little tricksy. We don't want it to be something that requires daily or weekly spending "confessionals"! Anyway... So, since the move, I haven't really been filing any paperwork, so the piles that were accumulating at our old apartment during the time before midterms & moving were simply... packed into boxes & moved to the new apartment! Last week I unpacked some of those boxes, but only transferred the piles of assorted papers from boxes to my desktop.
Tonight, I'm in full-on filing mode! It's looking great, I've cleared 2009 paperwork out of my files, and my piles of stuff to trash or shred are growing!
Organizing stuff sometimes gives me the weirdest high :)

Maybe by the end of this week I'll get my body back onto a better sleep schedule. For now, I'm using the nocturnal tendencies to my advantage!


  1. Yay for getting more organized! One more month of school, then summer break, you can do it!

  2. I hate paperwork and the piles that can sit and sit! I'm not often motivated to tackle those, but we have an "area" we keep them in:o) Good job in all your accomplishments! I'm working on switching over winter clothes to summer clothes for me and the kids - now that is time consuming!

  3. Catherine, we use an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of our finances. We set a budget, enter the total amount for each category for that month (for example, $100 dining out, $200 groceries, $50 clothing and personal items, $75 baby, etc.) and then work in individual tabs for each one. It makes it easy to track our cash flow, and our credit cards because Hubby set everything up to track all amounts and keep totals. It's pretty slick. I will be praying for you, as I know merging 2 different spending/saving systems can be a challenge. Keep it up, and you will be blessed!

  4. Budgeting is such a pain! Ha! Work now, early in your marriage, to get a system that works well. Don't ever stop talking about it. Take it from someone who has learned-- is learning-- the hard way.
