Friday, December 24, 2010

A different kind of gift

It's Christmas Eve day. I love the anticipation of this day. Christmas Eve plans are oh so close, but not yet here. Christmas is tomorrow. But first, an entire day!

I was supposed to have worked, but because a winter storm and slick roads and adequate coverage at work, I am instead at home.

I feel like I've been given a gift. I was planning to be at work all week, get off at midafternoon, and then spend time with family tonight and tomorrow and spend Sunday with my church family and head back to work on Monday. Instead, I have an extra day. A day to work on projects, a day to cook ahead a little for this weekend, a day to do some organizing and filing that has been pushed aside for months.

I love this :)

It's not like there's even the option of going anywhere, since maintenance apparently isn't planning to plow our parking lot for a while and the streets are slick and snow-laden still. Once the snow tapers, I might run some errands nearby. Mostly, though, it's a day to be at home, Christmas lights glowing, and cozily getting things accomplished <3

Pics of decor and craftiness later...

Merry Christmas, friends :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very cozy, that was going to be our Christmas Eve plan... Hehe.
