An unexpected day off because of weather/road conditions, so I'm home instead and getting a head start on cooking for tomorrow (now instead of tonight? Yes please!)
The apartment smells delish...
Made or in process:
- Stained glass jello
- Better green bean casserole
- Cheese appetizer
- Roasted carrots
- Mashed potatoes & sweet potatoes
- crustless quiche (egg, green onion, bacon)
- turkey
The jello is done, the green bean casserole will be ready to just bake tomorrow, the cheese appetizer is done, the carrots will be ready to roast, the potatoes will be ready to heat through the small crock pot, the quiche contents will be ready to pour into the dish and bake, and the turkey breast will cook in the large crockpot overnight :)
Man we should have all piled into the Burb and gone over to your place!! The in laws are here and we are grocery-less... We all had a mishmash of things.