I like my blog's new look :)
As spring turns to summer, we're figuring out new routines. Work continues, I'm whittling away at homework, and we're gradually getting more settled into our apartment. My garden is flourishing. Here and there, I'm snatching time to read again. I've missed it.. I'm amazed at how easily busyness with school and work snatches my reading time. I'm determined to keep making an effort to read.
Browsing the new books shelf at the library, I picked up a baby names book. I always have enjoyed looking through those sort of books to see what names the editor decided to include. This time, I asked my husband what he thought of different names as I browsed through. It was interesting to hear which names have positive or negative connotations simply because of people we've known! Also fun- seeing which names we both like a lot, which ones I love that he's not thrilled about, and which ones he loves that I'm not a fan of. Taste in names is such a subjective thing!
The spare room in our apartment (or guest room, I guess?) is getting so much more "guest-room"-ish! It had been "random stuff storage room" for a while, just because of how busy we were, but we've tackled the Stuff and have been creating homes for the things that had been piling up. I love how bright and cheery it's looking now, and how much more organized it is as well.
My to-do list is calling - homework and otherness are awaiting me..
Your room looks great! I havent ever asked you which names you like :o)